Lead Me Home is a short film that follows several people living on the streets in West Coast cities. Conceived to be a cinematic study of contrasts, the film will be familiar and sLead Me Home is a short film that follows several people living on the streets in West Coast cities. Conceived to be a cinematic study of contrasts, the film will be familiar and shocking; intimate and vast. By weaving individual stories with aerial vistas, time-lapse photography, and evocative details of contemporary urban life, Lead Me Home aims to spark a national conversation about the epic scale of this alarming and ever-growing problem.详情
贝拉·希思科特,卢卡斯·提尔,海伦·斯雷特,佩内洛普·米契尔,马克·L·扬,赞恩·霍尔茨,马丁·斯潘尼尔斯,Jeff Staron,马库斯·吉亚马蒂,汤姆·阿诺德,凯文·席格斯,肖恩A·罗萨莱斯,Joel Michael Kramer,史蒂芬·马蒂尼,Jason Dubin,蒂凡尼·布恩,艾米莉·达文波特,杰奎琳·爱默森,丹·格伦伯格,雪琳·亨德森,乔恩·埃里克·霍夫曼